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Life can be overwhelming at times.

The strained relationships and trying to make peace.

Living on a tight budget trying to make ends meet.

The stress of work that never seems to end and trying to find time for family and friends.

The kids rebelling, the parents passing, trying to find peace when everything is cracking.

There is so much that goes on in every individual person's life that there is no way to describe every hardship, difficulty, or trial a person faces. But is it the overwhelming problems of the world that define our lives?

In a world that is overwhelming, are you ever overwhelmed by God?

This past week I was at an event that had worship led by Phil Wickham. Now, I enjoy Phil Wickham’s music, but it’s never been something that moved me emotionally, piercing through to my soul and spirit. But for some reason, this moment was different.

I have had a lot of transition in the past six months. Preparing to graduate- which includes training others to take my place at work, saying goodbye to all my friends and church family, filling out paperwork, buying supplies, packing, all while still trying to finish my last semester of school strong. Then came the moving, a new job in a new place, trying to make relationships with new people, etc. And I know that this is not unique to me. Several of you are going through seasons of turmoil or feel like you have not had a moment of rest in months, or years. It can be...


And in the midst of all this change, there has been no consistent time of worship as I search for a local church to call home, which means this event with Phil Wickham was the first time in a month for me to be surrounded by hundreds of other believers joyfully praising our King.

It didn’t take long for the words and the music to pour over me, reminding my heart of the deep truths I believe in, and the joy found in the Lord. The people surrounding me encouraged my heart as I saw them passionately declare those same truths alongside me in that moment.

Something pierced one little crack in the hard, cold shell surrounding my heart and the light of His love and grace seeped through.

I began to sob, weeping to the point that in every song, there was something that encouraged, challenged, and comforted me.

I was overwhelmed by all that He has done for me.

Do you ever have moments where you are overwhelmed by the fact that there is literally nothing you could have done, can do, or will ever do to deserve God’s love? There is nothing you can do to make yourself righteous before Him? Yet He has called us by name. He has sent His son, perfect and holy, to die for us. We who were enemies of Him, He came to redeem. He came to give us hope! He came to let us know that He was the way to eternal life with the Father.

And we did nothing to deserve that love.

All He asks of us is to repent, turn away from our sin, follow Him, and declare His love to the world. And that is not hard to do when you realize the pit of despair He has raised you from, broken and alone, into the eternal family of God.

It's moments like these that remind me why I have hope. Even in the midst of all the things in life that are overwhelming me, the overwhelming love and grace of God is so strong that it holds the victory over everything else in my life.

He has conquered the grave and we have been set free because of His sacrifice. As a result, even when life becomes overwhelming, there is nothing we have to fear. Nothing. Not even death itself.

Paul says in 2 Timothy 1: 8-10:

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel,

Like Paul, there is absolutely no reason for us to be ashamed of the Gospel or of the God we serve because he abolished death forever! If we know that our God holds everything in His hands, even death itself, we can have peace amidst the overwhelming waves of life that threaten to knock us off our feet because we realize the truth: they can't! Our God holds the victory and there's nothing to fear.

Earlier I mentioned that it was the words in Phil Wickham's songs that overwhelmed my soul because of God's abundant mercy and love to die for me even when I was His enemy. I recommend listening to "Battle Belongs," "Great Things," and "Living Hope".

I hope that these songs can be a reminder to you of the beautiful sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, and how we are His forever because of that sacrifice. Take a moment to listen to them and think about the ways that God has worked and moved in your life.

I hope that God's love overwhelms you this week, drowning out all of the other things that try to destroy your joy and peace found in Him. He is the reason that we live and sing and have purpose. May we passionately declare His praises this week!

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