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God is Powerful

Right now as I am writing this, it is autumn. The time when the weather becomes cooler, leaves begin to fall, and holidays begin. October...

Obedience is Better than Sacrifice

The books of Leviticus and Numbers describe in great detail the many sacrifices and feasts the Lord requires the people to perform....

Where is your hope found?

The endless circle of life. Everything is the same. There is nothing to look forward to, nothing to hope for in this life. We wake up, go...

A Cheerful Giver

Once there was an old man who lived alone in a great mansion. Every day he went to work and he stayed there longer than anyone else....

When Things Don't Go the Way You Hoped

We put our hope in a lot of things everyday. Have you noticed that? Growing up, we hoped our parents would take us out to eat for dinner,...

He Knows You Completely

Yesterday, I was talking with a friend. She once again asked me if I had met someone, which no surprise, I haven't. As I always do, I...

What does it mean to be sanctified?

As I shared several weeks ago, one of the most direct things Jesus ever says about the word of God is that it is the truth that...


There are many things in my past that I am not proud of, but one of them was my stubbornness and anger that kept me from being willing to...

The God Who Sees

Most of the time, our feelings do not represent what is true. When I was about twelve years old, I remember sobbing to my dad because I...

Endure Hardship as Discipline

Life is hard. Does anyone else feel that way this week? There are so many things that test our dependence on the Lord. How much do we...


Life can be overwhelming at times. The strained relationships and trying to make peace. Living on a tight budget trying to make ends...

God is Righteous

We struggle with God's righteousness because of the hurt in the world. Even Jeremiah questioned God, asking Him, "You are always...

He Has Prepared Us

Yesterday I was at a local coffeeshop I had never gone to before. All of the people that I went with had walked down the street to grab...

For the Beauty of the Earth

"For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies. Lord of all to Thee...

Conviction is a Grace

There have been many moments in my lifetime where I have failed. In fact, there have been too many failures for me to remember or count....

He Will Hold Me Fast

Last week we discussed the inevitability of change and the fears and worries that can arise as a result. Even though we experience change...

Our Firm Foundation

Change. Change is scary. Change is hard. Change is exciting. Change is... Change is something relatable to everyone, anywhere, any time....

Jesus' Example of Prayer

Last week we looked at the importance of prayer. We discussed how it encourages us to relinquish control over our lives, release our...

Prayer: Our Need for God

Prayer is one of the main ways we converse with the God of the Universe. Let that sink in for a moment. Those who are children of God are...

Daily Delighting in God's Word

As promised, here are some practical ways to encourage our love for the word of God and strengthen the discipline of filling our minds,...

Blog: Blog2
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